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FAQ: Christina's Size

Jessica writes: Dear Shelly, I just wanted to say that I always hear stupid rumors about Christina being anorexic and that people say she can't weigh so little without being sick. I'd just like to say that I know perfectly well what it feels like to be asked constantly if you are anorexic.

I'm 16 years old and I have never weighed more that 100 pounds in my whole life. In the 8th grade at age 13, I only weighed 80 pounds. I read somewhere that people accuse Christina of being anorexic and saying that Christina's size causes their daughters to become anorexic. Yeah right.

Love always.

Christina's mom Shelly: Jessica, thank you so, so much! You have no idea how much your letter means to me. Yes, I get so many letters about Christina being anorexic, and some people just won't take no for an answer. And that is really horrible when I get irate mothers and other activists writing in accusing Christina of making their daughters anorexic just because she was very thin and famous. People simply do not think!

Trust me, now that Christina has relaxed and recuperated from her old schedule, etc., she's filled out more. People will start making up things and writing in about that, too. Thank goodness the vast amount of fans are really sweet and have common sense! :)

Your letter really helps people who are like you and Christina to hear from someone like yourself that there truly are naturally thin people in this world and that you don't have to be one specific body type before you're 'normal.' It's awful how people demand that a person look one certain way in this world! If you are naturally anything other than the perfect model type in your physical proportions, you are attacked!

Thanks again,

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