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FAQ: Homeschooling

Alice writes: Hi Shelly. I was wondering whether you could answer my question: Was Christina really homeschooled, because on the Official Website in the bio it says that Christina wanted to have her own music album before she graduated high school.

Sabrina writes: Hi Shelly. In two of your responses, you said that Christina never set foot into a high school for school. But in this other response you said she graduated with straight A's. I'm confused. Please clarify this for me. Much love to you and Christina.

Christina's mom Shelly: Yes, Christina was homeschooled and she did graduate from high school - she just did it through homeschool - even received a diploma.

School is school. Just because a student doesn't physically sit inside a high school building, doesn't mean they don't graduate. Christina actually graduated with straight A's from high school.

Hope this helps to clarify.
God bless,