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Recordings : 'Just Be Free' letter to fans

Dear Friends:

'Just Be Free' was recorded when I was only 14 and 15 years old. At that young age, I made the recordings as a possible stepping stone to a career in music, which is my ultimate passion. They were made just so that I could get my foot in the door of the music business.

I did not intend that the recordings would be widely released, especially after I signed with a major record label. I have not updated or finished the versions recorded in my childhood and they are being released 'as is,' although I tried to prevent the release for several years.

The recordings do not in any way reflect my current musical taste and where I am as an artist. The growth and vocal development I experienced as I matured into young adulthood is not reflected in the recordings.

The album of new recordings that I intend to release this fall will be the album that truly reflects my artistry, my vision and my passion. The 'Just Be Free' recordings will hopefully be a footnote in a musical career that I dream will last for many years to come.

- Christina Aguilera